Merry Christmas! A full house and a full heart!

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Title : Merry Christmas! A full house and a full heart!
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Merry Christmas! A full house and a full heart!

Christmas morning we were up at 0530 reading blogs and just enjoying the morning.  We had a couple of presents that Bryan and Cheryl had left in our trailer while it was parked at Eric's so we opened them. :) 

Got ourselves ready and everything loaded up and we were at my sister Linda's house just a few minutes after 1000.  Dusty and family were there so we watched them open gifts that Santa had left at Grandma's house. Owen at 5 years old and Cassidy at 18 months were so much fun to watch.  

Little Cassidy feeding Owen's Wonder Horse a carrot..

Owen and his mommy playing a shooting game..

Owen talking with cousin Mason

We prepared some of the food and waited for people to show up.  A great gathering and we got to see all our kids and grandkids :) A very nice afternoon and great food! Thanks again Linda and Bobby for hosting once again! 💜
Jesse, Russell, Jacob and the blurry Aaron..those are Aaron's pants we got him
for Christmas..holes and all! Just don't get that fad! Used to you were poor if you
wore pants with they cost a mint!!

Bryan, Adam, Jesse and Russell

Lori by the window and Christina

There's our Marine, Seth

Ken, Greg, Shawn and Eric 


Linda's life long friend, Kim and Bobby

The little Princess Cassidy all tuckered out 💜

I love our family get togethers.  They don't happen often but when they do they're just something to treasure.  
The loves of  my life, my grandsons 💙💙💙💙💙
Aaron, Adam, Seth, Jacob and Mason 

Aaron, Adam, Seth, Me, Jacob and Mason
One Proud Grandma!!

Here we've added cousins...
Mason, Adam, Seth, Aaron, Jacob, Dusty, Jesse and Owen 💙💙😀

One good looking group of men!
Eric, Bobby, Bryan, Russell, Mason, Adam, Seth, Aaron, Jacob, Jesse, Greg, Ken and Owen

Bobby, his niece Marie, Chelsea, Dusty, Owen, missing my sister
Linda as she hates pictures even more than me...

Greg, Jesse and Diane

We were planning on picking up grandson Aaron on our way out on Thursday.  While talking with Russell he said "So you're getting all the boys" I said, "Not that I am aware of" Turns out while they were all together the night before the boys worked it out and said they were going to Grandma's! Yay!!  The only one who wouldn't be here is Adam, as he has to work. 

About 1700 we headed over to see Ken's mom, Diane and Jesse came over three too. 

Grandma and Bryan 💜
I love this pic of Bryan and his grandma 💖

Ken and his mom...looking good for 92!

Ken, Grandma and Diane

Greg, Grandma, Diane and Jesse

Thursday morning we rolled out of the park and had an enjoyable drive up highway 50. I heard from the boys so we knew we had time to stop at Walmart and stock up!  A couple of hours after we got home, Seth, Mason and Holly drove in.  A bit later Jacob, Aaron and Allissa!! We've got a full house!  YAY!! 

We visited awhile and then Ken set up the ping pong table and got a fire going out back.  Later I pulled out leftovers from my sister's house.  Before we left, she said I better take the leftover food as I was having all those mouths to feed..Thanks Linda!! 
Allissa, Jacob and Aaron

Mason, Seth and Holly 

We had an enjoyable evening chatting with the kids. Heard quite a bit about Seth's bootcamp and MCT.  Hard to believe our grandsons are so grown :) 

Aaron's legs, Jacob, Mason just chillin..Later in the afternoon they went to town to bowl a few games

Holly and Seth before they headed to Mexican in town 

It was past time to measure the boys on "the door"
We've had this since our boys were young, so height is

Papa had to reach to get Jacob's height..We did all
four boys :) 

Jacob and Allissa playing ping pong

Jacob :) 

Allissa got a pic of Ken and me playing, just like in
high school..I beat him!! hahah. 

Allissa noticed the sky turning pink, so we had to go
outside and capture it!


Seth and Holly 

This little wood stove about cooked us out of there :) 

About 2330 we said goodnight (well almost).  I decided to take care of the dirty dishes haha. 

Ken and I were both up about 0530, had our coffees and visited our blogging friends. Showers out of the way and about 0800 Mason came in from the bunkhouse. French toast, hot chocolate and bacon for him.  It's now 1000 and just waiting for everybody else to awaken. A beautiful, cold day 29 degrees right now, heading for 42. Once they're up and fed we'll see what the rest of the day brings. :) 

Pretty much the rest of the day went really fast.  Breakfast finished about 1200 haha.  Seth and Holly ended up going to town having a Mexican lunch and then all the kids met in town to go bowling for a few hours.  Our town doesn't offer much, but Pioneer Crossing Casino does have a small bowling alley and a movie theater that unless they have 8 people for the movie they won't show the film. 

I baked some cookies while they were gone and those were enjoyed upon them coming back.  Later in the afternoon we played some ping pong and then Ken bar b qued his Papa Burgers and they were awesome. Some french fries to go along and it was a great dinner.  Some more ping pong and great chit chat.  A good night for all of us I'm thinking.  I know it was for me 💙💙

Jacob had requested biscuits and gravy for Saturday morning breakfast. I can do that! Mason was the first one up so it was French toast again for him. Seth wanted a breakfast sandwich and biscuits and gravy.  Jacob added eggs to his breakfast and there was bacon too. Allissa enjoyed biscuits and gravy and some bacon.  Holly only had yogurt but I did make her a sandwich before they left.  Yes, this was the day to go home :( 😔
Sausage gravy...according to Jacob "AMAZING" 

I HAD to have a little with my eggs...oh so sinful!! 

The weather for Sunday was expecting snow over the passes and they all have plans with their grandpa on Sunday afternoon. It was better for them to be assured travel was good. They weren't in any hurry so they left around 1300.  Allissa texted me when they got home and I texted Mason to be sure they made it.  
Papa and Seth

Papa and Jacob

Aaron, Allissa, Jacob, Holly, Seth and Mason 💙💙

Good bye Seth, Holly and Mason! 

Good bye Jacob, Allissa and Aaron! 

We love these kids and were so happy they chose to spend a few days with us here. Made our Christmas!  They know the door is always open!  Girlfriends included anytime. We were so happy to have Seth here during his 9 day leave. It was hard saying goodbye since he will be going to school, leaving Jan 1st  not really sure when we'll see him again.  

January 14th, Jacob begins his adult life being sworn in to the Navy. We'll be there to see that :) Having these two here was even more special because time is short for them. Like I said on FB, Our hearts and home were full for a few days!  So blessed to be all the boys grandparents!!💙💙💙💙💙

I've been trying for days to get this blog done, but it was a very busy time and family took first place. :) So here ya go..probably too long, but I've got to document these memories! 

Have a  great Sunday everyone! 

Thus Article Merry Christmas! A full house and a full heart!

That's an article Merry Christmas! A full house and a full heart! This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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